nl Nederlands

Hospitality Desk

The Hospitality Desk is more than just a reception area.

It serves as the primary contact point for employees, clients, and visitors, staffed by a hospitality team created by bouwens& and trained at our unique Hospitality Academy. The hosts and hostesses live our mission of ‘a great experience every day’, displaying consistent cheerfulness, proactiveness, and dedication, which turns the Desk into the dynamic hub of the office.

Hosts and hostesses

Each of our hosts and hostesses exemplify excellence, always ready to offer a personalised service. Functioning as a hybrid between personal assistant and concierge, they welcome guests, cater to food and beverage needs, arrange transportation, and handle any other request, fostering a sense of care and comfort.

DLA Piper

Consider the Hospitality Desk at DLA Piper’s Amsterdam office. The superior service at this leading law firm is frequently praised for its welcoming approach, personalised where possible. Such is the level of comfort that many of the firm’s employees and clients compare it favourably to their experiences at high-end hotels.


There are numerous advantages to implementing the Hospitality Desk:

1. Enhanced professional image
It establishes a professional façade for clients and visitors. The exceptional service provided by our trained hosts and hostesses leaves a positive, enduring impression, bolstering the company's reputation and facilitating robust business relationships.

2. Improved employee satisfaction
The Hospitality Desk contributes to a vibrant work environment. Employees can rely on the hospitality team for a variety of services, from dry cleaning service to event support. This added convenience enriches their daily work routine, boosting productivity and satisfaction. This, in turn, enhances talent acquisition and employee retention.

3. Professional facility and office management
The Hospitality Desk streamlines facility and office operations. The hospitality team manages tasks ranging from welcoming visitors to coordinating meeting rooms, and supervises facility staff such as cleaners and catering personnel, enabling the facility manager to focus on core responsibilities and improving overall efficiency and quality.

Positive office vibe

In the current era of hybrid work and labour shortages, cultivating a positive office vibe is essential for promoting connection, attracting talent, and retaining employees. The enriched work experience provided by our Hospitality Desks sets apart companies such as DLA Piper, elevating the overall work atmosphere.